Professor EmeritusEmail: jmatthew@snsxedu.net
Employed Since:
1992Educational History:
Ph.D – George Mason University; MSN and BSN – Virginia Commonwealth University; Master of Science in Business Management, Troy State University
Fields of Expertise:
Clinical Nurse Specialist in Adult Health and Gerontology
Policy Analyst
Magnet Hospital Criteria
Professional Highlights:
Active member of the Virginia Nurses Association and the American Nurses Association
Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing
Personal Quote:The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do – Thomas Jefferson – The Virginian
Personal Highlights:
Active in rural community service: Free Medical Clinic development and management
Active member of local administrative zoning board of appeals.
For the past five years, life in the slow lane at 8 knots an hour on Brizo – a Trawler Boat – in the Chesapeake Bay and Rappahannock River area.
Enjoy traveling in Europe.