Dean Emeritus, School of PharmacyEmail: amckay@snsxedu.net
Employed Since:
June 1995Educational History:
Professional Highlights:
In June 1995, Dr. McKay assumed the Deanship of the new Shenandoah University School of Pharmacy in Winchester, Virginia. He has been on the faculty of Mercer University, the University of Maryland, and the University of Arkansas, and is currently Professor and Dean at the Bernard J. Dunn, Shenandoah University School of Pharmacy.
Dr. McKay received his B.S. in Pharmacy from Mercer University in 1975 and his MS and PhD in
Health Care Administration from the University of Mississippi in 1979 and 1980.
Professional Organizations
- American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
- American Society of Health System Pharmacists
- The American Pharmacists Association
- National Community Pharmacists Association
- Virginia Pharmacists Association
- Virginia Society of Health System Pharmacists
- Phi Delta Chi Pharmaceutical Fraternity
- Phi Lambda Sigma Leadership Society
- Rho Chi Pharmacy Honor Society
- Rotary International
- Presentations/Publications/Posters
Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics Instruction in Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy in the
United States, Latif, D.A. and McKay, A.B., American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
69(2):152-156, March 2005.
Anatomy of a Startup – Year Three, McKay, A.B., Stull, R. and Robinson, E., Journal of
Pharmacy Teaching 11(2):65-114, March 2005.
Anatomy of a Startup – Year Two, McKay, A.B. and Stull, R., Journal of Pharmacy Teaching
11(1): 57-160, March 2004.
Anatomy of a Startup – Year One, McKay, A.B., Journal of Pharmacy Teaching 10(1):31-80,
March 2003.
e-Education: integrating technology to support pharmaceutical education. Chair report for the
Academic Affairs Committee, McKay, A.B., Karboski, J.A., Pankanskie, M.C., Peverly, S.L.,
Poirier, T.I., Woster, P.M., American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, (2002) 65:8S – 12S.
A computerized database approach to enhance critical thinking, Monaghan, M.S., Vanderbush,
R.E., McKay, A.B., Gardner, S.F. and Schneider, E.F., Journal of Pharmacy Teaching (1999)
Honors and Awards
- Alumni of the Year (2002), Department of Pharmacy Administration, University of
Mississippi - Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges
- Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society
- Rho Chi Pharmacy Honor Society
- Fellow, American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education
- Interests and diversions
Personal Highlights:
Educational Technology and Clinical Documentation
- Coached youth baseball, soccer and softball
- Avid photographer and gardener with an interest in constructing stone walls
Genealogist with a strong interest in southern history, particularly South Carolina and
Georgia - Currently working on an update to the 1934 Virginia: a Guide to the Old
Dominion, one of the original American Guide Series, a travelogue compiled by the
workers of the Writers’ Program of the Works Projects Administration in the State of
Virginia. - Married and the proud parent of four exceptional young adults
- Registered to practice pharmacy in Georgia and Mississippi